Your Role

What’s your role in the ESCRS sustainability efforts?

“It takes a village to raise a child” – African Yoruba proverb

Sustainability only works if we are all involved and working together.

It’s on each of us to find ways to take action in our own sphere of control, whilst using our influence, as small as it may be, to encourage, or demand, that those with power do something about it.

We propose key actions below that you can take to create a more sustainable event experience with us. Why not take the ESCRS Mission Zero Pledge and join us on this journey?

1. Exhibit Sustainably

We’re encouraging our partners and exhibitors to champion social and environmental responsibility at ESCRS events. From ordering sustainable cater ware to offsetting your event-related emissions, your commitment helps us to create a Winter Meeting that supports both people and the planet.

2. Travel more Sustainably

Let the train take the strain and don’t take a plane.

If you are flying to Lisbon, make sure to check the train line that connects Lisbon and Loule, from Loule, it’s a short ride to reach Vilamoura.

In Vilamoura, walk or cycle to reduce reliance on taxis. For optimum health, the UK Department of Health recommends ‘brisk walking’ for at least 10 minutes a day or, ideally, 10 000 well-paced steps (around 8km per day). Not only it is good for you, soft mobility also provides better value as it is free, less stressful and will allow you to feel better during your time at the Winter Meeting.

3. Choose a Sustainable Hotel

When choosing accommodation, add sustainability criteria to your search. Try and book a hotel that has a sustainable certification. has a sustainability option in their search engine.

4. Eat more Sustainably and Healthily

We are working with caterers to offer you healthier and climate-friendlier food and drink options for official and private events. We aim to eliminate red meat and serve at least 50% delicious vegetarian and vegan options.

5. BYO (Bring Your Own)

We are working to eliminate single-use plastic water bottles and focus on water stations at the event. Almost all of us now have a reusable coffee cup or bottle, and the use of non-disposable cutlery kits is growing. BYO is a great way to reduce your waste, not only at ESCRS events, but also in your daily life.

6. Recycle

We are working with Tivoli Marina Vilamoura Resort to implement an advanced recycling system for this event. However, this will only work with your support. Do your part and recycle appropriately by putting waste into the right container.

Throwing food or general waste in a recycling bin can contaminate its contents, which means it heads to landfill or incinerator, not to a recycling facility where it belongs!

7. Share your Success!

What we see, we can try ourselves. So, sharing your personal event sustainability efforts and successes can encourage others to do the same – and this applies to you and to your corporate partners!

Use the ESCRS social media channels to share: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | LinkedIn

ESCRS Winter Meeting 2023 Sustainability Report

Measurement, Offsetting, and Reporting Methodology

We calculated the carbon emissions and waste footprint of the 2023 Winter Meeting using industry best-practice methodologies as well as an advanced measurement tool called TRACE. We measured the emissions from local event production, delegate and team travel, accommodation, food and beverages, venue and online participation.

The unavoidable emissions were compensated through carbon offset projects with Climate Impact Partners. They are a global leader supporting organisations to meet their ambitious climate goals. We invested in 3 high-quality, certified projects that provide impact in emissions reductions and social development for developing economies.

1. Aqua Clara Water Filters, Kenya

Gold Standard-certified. Providing clean cooking and safe water to remote communities.

Less than 50% of Kenyans have access to safe drinking water. This project supplies families and schools in Kenya with affordable water filters thanks to community-led microfinance loans. These filters clean the water so that families don’t have to boil it for it to be safe. Click here for more information.

2. Bondhu Chula Stoves, Bangladesh

Gold Standard-certified. Providing clean cooking alternatives with a “friendly” stove.

Smoke from traditional, open firepits in Bangladeshi households contributes to nearly 50000 premature deaths a year and causes millions of lung, eye, or skin infections. This project uses carbon financing to offer more affordable, safer stoves and creates long-term entrepreneurial jobs and skills with more than 5 million installed. Click here for more information.

3. Renewable Energy Portfolio, Global South

CDM, VCS, and Gold Standard-certified.

Clean power is one of the most effective ways to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from traditional energy generation. Carbon finance from the carbon offsets pool can be key to scaling and speeding up the global energy transition to clean power. Put the two together and you have more capital for net zero solutions, worldwide, but especially in regions that would benefit greatly from such support. Click here for more information.

From 2022, we committed to integrating social and environmental sustainability into its community, meetings, events, and activities.  

With the help of the GDS-Movement and the contribution of key members and partners, a two-year sustainability strategy was developed. Download the ESCRS Winter Meeting 2023 report below to view our progress.